Trick-or-Treat: The Witching Hour(s)

Hopefully you’ve had your fill of The Ghoul, because now that it has slunk away it’s The Witch‘s turn on our Trick-or-Treat sale! Melissa ended up doing a lot of research on witches in order to get a list of moves. From there we parsed out the ones that we felt every witch should have (or […]

Trick-or-Treat: The Ghoul

Whelp, The Pirate has come and gone, but The Ghoul is hot on her heels in our Trick-or-Treat sale! It is largely based on the ghoul from Arabic mythology, with a dash of Dungeons & Dragons and Left 4 Dead (namely the hunter and boomer special infected): you can assume the appearance of someone that you kill, transform […]

Alien: Isolation Review

We’d actually purchased a PlayStation 4 several months ago, right before we moved. Given a lack of any games that we could give two fucks about, it’s function beyond a very expensive brick didn’t debut until a few weeks ago when I regrettably picked up Alien: Isolation. The game takes place between the events of Alien and […]

Trick-or-Treat: A Pirate’s Class For You!

Though The Pirate was already an impressive haul, it’s now been press-ganged into our Trick-or-Treat sale! It comes with two pdf files: The first is a digest-sized, 19 page book laid out like the Dungeon World rulebook. It contains the pirate, new equipment like the flintlock pistol and grenades, two compendium classes (dread pirate and sea-shackled), […]

Extra Life

So Melissa and I—and probably Adam, and maybe one or two more peeps—are participating in Extra Life this year. Though you’re allowed to play any game you want (as well as divide up the time however you like), the focus of our gameplay is going to be with the whole Expedition to Castle Ravenloft with […]

Expedition to Castle Ravenloft: Dusk of the Dead

Cast Klaus (level 1 human fighter) Kyr (level 1 fallen star) Mim (level 1 witch w/ familiar) Rook (level 1 halfling thief) Summary Unsure where to go or what else to expect Mim chopped up one of the zombies, and from its organs divined that both the living and dead inhabited the village. Hoping to […]

Trick-or-Treat: A Not-So Itsy Bitsy Sale

For a random number of days this month, The Spider is on sale for nearly half off! It does everything a spider can: spin webs of any size, crawl on walls, and even inject debilitating venom or digestive juices into creatures, so that you can slurp up their tasty, liquefied innards that you do so crave. […]

A Sundered World: Weapons & Materials

In addition to the various regions, steadings, locations, races, classes, monsters, fronts, etc, A Sundered World also has a chapter on new weapons, armor, dungeon gear, ships, vehicles (like enthollows), services, magic items, and maybe some other stuff I’m forgetting. This article is going to focus on the weapons, or rather since Dungeon World is pretty general […]

Expedition to Castle Ravenloft: Welcome to Barovia

Cast Klaus (level 1 human fighter) Kyr (level 1 fallen star) Mim (level 1 witch w/ familiar) Rook (level 1 halfling thief) Pre-Game As before I skipped the part where some random guy walks up to the characters in a bar and just tosses them a letter, as if a group of strangers is going […]