Dungeon World: Who Hunts the Huntsman

Cast Augustine (level 2 human paladin) Jaya (level 2 human bard) Mouse (level 2 gnome thief) The great spider scuttled down to stand before them. It was the size of a small house, and looked like a spider in every way except one: its “face” was less lots of eyes and fangs and more a […]

Dungeon World: The Mummy (And Other Stuff)

First up, the mummy playbook is now available on Drivethrurpg. This was something Melissa was really keen on doing once we wrapped up our skeleton playbook, and after several bouts of playtesting and some excellent feedback we are pretty happy with the results: virtually unkillable, flexible curses, can vomit forth clouds of sand or vermin, […]

Legends & Lore: Double Down

I agree that simpler rules make for easier preparation and improvisation, which is why I love monster design in 4th Edition: it is incredibly easy to make monsters/NPCs of any level and scope (even on the fly), all the formulas can fit on a card, and unlike 3rd Edition it is actually reliable. This also extends to […]

Dungeon World: In the Spiders’ Webs

Cast Augustine (level 2 human paladin) Jaya (level 2 human bard) Mouse (level 2 gnome thief) It was Jaya’s turn on watch. They were near the exit, and the water cascading in the distance drowned out the snores of Augustine and Mouse, which was nice, but would also likely prevent her hearing approaching monsters; she […]

Dungeon World: 10+ Treasures

My newest Dungeon World supplement, 10+ Treasures, is up for sale on Drivethrurpg. I wrote this after helping some people over at the Dungeon World Tavern G+ community spruce up their magic item pitches. Apparently they liked what I did and asked if I was going to make a compilation, and here it is. There […]

Super Dungeon Explore: Wipe in the Kobold Warrens

I am running a Super Dungeon Explore hangout game this Tuesday, but since Melissa wanted to get in a practice game we decided to run a small Dungeon Crawl using our newly-painted kobolds. Yeah, I know that they are one of the default group of minions, but we quickly got our hands on the Rocktop Gang […]

Dungeon World: Dinner with the Folks

Cast Augustine (level 1 human paladin) Jaya (level 1 human bard) Mouse (level 1 gnome thief) The dusky knocked another needle-like arrow in its tiny bow. If it were not for the fact that it had a very keen eye, the arrows were poisoned, and it was trying to kill them all Jaya would have […]

Fright Night Playtest: Widow’s Bluff

For about a month now Ben, Melissa, and I have been working on our own role-playing game that for now we are referring to as Fright Night. In a nutshell it is intended to let you play through most if not all horror movie experiences, and it has finally gotten to a point where we actually […]

Requiem: Chords of Terra – Music of the Universe

This is the basic fluff for a campaign I am making. It is based on some texts I am reading on Musica Universalis which is an ancient philosophical concept that regards proportions in the movements of celestial bodies—the Sun, Moon, and planets—as a form of music. This setting draws inspiration from numerous sources, one of them […]

Realm Works Review

Shyeah, I’ll be the judge of that. In my 20 years or so of gaming in addition to foregoing organization entirely I have also tried using tools like good old-fashion Word documents, even olderer-fashioned paper and pencil, Google Docs, personal wiki software like WikidPad, and Obsidian Portal (since the necessary features were free up to a […]