Dungeon World: Sir Augustine’s Second Stand

Cast Augustine (human paladin) Jaya (human bard) Mouse (halfling gnome thief) Jaya was accustomed to drawing a crowd at the Tipsy Gnome, what with her being a rare form of entertainment in the backwater village of Pinestraw. Another, more common form was getting drunk. Pinestraw was a small village, and it was rare that anyone […]

Legends & Lore: Dropping the Shop

So in other, more concise words, gear “packages” derived from your background and class are the norm, while buying with a budget is optional. Not that I see anything particularly wrong with this—3rd and 4th Edition both had packages, after all—but does purchasing gear really take that long? I guess it might take awhile for […]

Dungeon World: Mummy Playtest, Part 2

Cast Ruzzah (lizardfolk bog mummy) Far away, someone was wading through the grass. It would take a few steps, stop, crouch, then stand and move a few more steps before again stopping. Her best guess was that, whatever it was, it was looking for something in the grass. Maybe it was a local. A local […]

Legends & Lore: Whose Story Is It, Anyway

When it comes to 5th Edition, the flavor content is one of many things I have been very critical of: the stories pitched often ranged from merely confusing to hilariously bad, and sometimes only arbitrarily adhere to the mythology (such as, for starters, the gorgon being a metal bull and the hydra apparently having at least […]

Dresden Files: A Huldra in Hammerfest, Episode 102

Cast Pernilla Hemming (Bare-Fisted Brawling Half-Hulra Orphan) Aleksander Jorgensen (Would-Be Dragon Slayer) Isra Dunlop (Nomadic Wizard) Okay, let us recap. Pernilla discovered a bunch of dead, rotting animals in the woods, was warned by a mostly-dead reindeer about death and such, and chased out of the woods by a shadow-something. Aleksander had learned that it […]

Dungeon World: Mummy Playtest, Part 1

As Ruzzah was flung towards the tree, she had just enough time to reflect on the fact that at least she would not feel any pain. Her next thought was that she really wished Varash had not brought her back to life. Or rather unlife, as she was still quite dead. She had been floating […]

Dresden Files: A Huldra in Hammerfest, Episode 101

Cast Pernilla Hemming (Bare-Fisted Brawling Half-Huldra Orphan) Aleksander Jorgensen (Would-Be Dragon Slayer) Pernilla packed up her fishing gear and started back to camp. This week had been pretty bad; she would have to try and pick up some extra hours swindling people at Gnorbitt’s. She had been doing that a lot lately, which meant that […]

Dungeon World: Skeleton Playbook

The skeleton playbook is up for sale on Drivethrurpg. This playbook allows you to play a bonafide monster: how did you die? What brought you back across the threshold of the Black Gate into a state of unlife? What are you going to do about it? As a skeleton you are not only harder to kill, […]

Legends & Lore: The Bard’s Fail

Bards have often ironically been pretty much a joke, especially in 3rd Edition where they are billed as the “ultimate generalist” and best in a “supporting role”. The reality is that with only two cantrips per day, fewer skill points than the rogue (a good chunk of which are probably getting dumped into various Charisma-based […]

Dungeon World: Skeleton Playtest, Part 3

Phonos and Vassilis cleared away the rocks and descended into the formian nest. The walls were studded with numerous crystalline growths that glowed in a variety of colors. Phonos broke a piece off, partially to see if it would do anything dangerous, partially to see if it would continue to glow; to his disappointment it […]