Wandering Monsters: Campaign Themes

I never thought I would see the day where I actually started to miss the days when Wandering Monsters would show us sometimes questionable monster art, and/or pitch often hilariously confusing and horrible flavor content. I have long since concluded that the design team has not really been trying for some time now, what with—for starters—the inflexible […]

Dungeon World: Skeleton Playtest

I got a chance to actually play in a Dungeon World one-shot tonight, run by none other than Melissa, who not only has also never run a game before in her life (though can be a pretty brutal Keeper in Mansions of Madness), but also requested that I give our almost-ready-for-release skeleton playbook a shot. I decided to […]

Legends & Lore: What’s Next for the Sorcerer

3rd Edition’s sorcerer was billed as a spellcaster that had “no books, no mentors, no theories—just raw power that they direct at will”. It was mentioned that they claimed to have the blood of dragons flowing through their veins, though none of the mechanics or abilities supported this idea, and the description even ended on […]

Wandering Monsters: The Gods Must Be Crazy

Aaand it looks like filler week continues. Instead of giving us anything of substance we get to hear about name levels (they were a thing in some of the previous editions!), what pantheism really means, various religious models, and…that 5th Edition will support homebrew religions. Were people really worried about this? It is not like this […]

A Sundered World: Antikythera’s Armory

Though A Sundered World was originally envisioned and played using 4th Edition Dungeons & Dragons, I ran and planned it much like how you would a Dungeon World campaign. Well, except for a map. I never drew any maps, mostly because I was not exactly sure how the “world” was even shaped (which is a subject for […]

Legends & Lore: The Point of Experience

Aww, they pulled the image of the not-blue dragon. I mean, if nothing else someone should have noticed the lack of a big-ass horn and desert environment, but now what will people have to talk about? Because seriously, there is barely anything of interest in the rest of the article. All he really needed to say […]

Mansions of Madness: The Inner Sanctum Play Report

Emboldened by her previous success we gave The Inner Sanctum another shot, because fourth time is a charm, right? This time she would run a four-man squad. Or rather, one man and three women. InvestigatorsAs with her latest run through Fall of House Lynch, Melissa randomly chose her investigators. Carolyn Fern (Forbidden Alchemy)Gloria Goldberg (Mansions […]

Legends & Lore: Technically It Works

Oh hey, Legends & Lore is back. Again. This week we take a look at several rules that, given the time and resources at the company’s disposal, some would say took far longer than expected (and probably necessary) to get where they are. Advantage/DisadvantageApparently a lot of people like this mechanic. I do not. At least not as-is. […]

Wandering Monsters: Talk of Tiers

While there is no Legends & Lore column this week, Wandering Monsters continues its Legends & Lore-like discussions with tiers. Or, more accurately, how spellcasters define and transition through their arbitrary level ranges. Of course given the whole fixation on the tradition angle I cannot say I am surprised. I am surprised that the article gives […]