A Sundered World: Island Creation

UPDATE: You can check out the rules for island creation on Google Drive, and comment on any specific part you want. To help get your creative juices going, as well as to make it easier when trying to create an island on the fly, here is the current draft for island creation guidelines from A Sundered World. […]

Thunderspire Labyrinth in Dungeon World

For awhile I wanted to take a shot at “rebuilding” 4th Edition’s published adventures so that they were more fun (or, actually fun). I got through Keep on the Shadowfell, but then 5th Edition was announced so I decided to start over and covert them to that. This required a lot more work because I had […]

A Sundered World: Astral Swimmer Compendium Class

The Astral Sea is a major facet of A Sundered World, containing the remnants of every other world that was. Most of the time when the players have to deal with it, it will be while traveling, but they can also exploit its subjective gravity during, say, ship combat, while exploring ruins, or even just […]

Wandering Monsters: Worlds Collide

I played a lot of Planescape back in the day, and one of my earliest 3rd Edition campaigns was a plane-hopping all-drow game (by demand I swear), but I do not think I really started enjoying the planes until 4th Edition. Partially it was because its cosmology had more of a mythological resonance than the Great […]

Legends & Lore: I Am Just Not Feeling It

Last week Mearls talked about “feel”, stating that good feel leads to player immersion. As with design elegance a few weeks ago he gave some examples that by his definition lacked good feel, but then clarified that it did not matter anyway because it is much more important that they just keep doing what Dungeons & […]

Wandering Monsters: Mapping the World (Also Q&A)

Looks like we get maps instead of monsters, this week. Though I am not exactly a fan of hex maps it is still a decently informative article that helps put various map scales into perspective. I do question the proposed ratio of 1:10:50; why not go with something like 2:10:50 so that it scales consistently? […]

Returning to the Mines of Madness

Years ago I ran an Eberron campaign steeped in Lovecraftian horror. Not only did adventure titles play off of one of Lovecraft’s stories—At the Mines of Madness, The Shadows Under Greyshore, etc—but they featured people twisted by alien energies, phasic denizens from another dimension, strange, alien ruins, tentacled horrors, and cultists that worshipping god-like, thankfully imprisoned […]

Legends & Lore: Tell Us How You Really Feel

For the past few weeks Mearls has been talking about design elegance, citing criteria that 5th Edition does not meet in order to I guess help justify his decisions and direction (or at least sway us into thinking that he is doing the right thing), instead of taking the best mechanics from previous editions and […]

Five Things I Like About 5th Edition

A criticism that I have heard more than once in the past few months is that I hate 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons. The two main reasons seem to be that it is different or not like 4th Edition, I guess because while drawing comparisons to other games like Dungeon World and Numenera I also mention 4th […]

Keep on the Shadowfell in Dungeon World

I have run Keep on the Shadowfell numerous times. The first time was before 4th Edition “officially” came out, and it was such a horrible experience that subsequent runs essentially only retained the idea that there was a ruined castle somewhere around Winterhaven, and that a death cult was going to open a portal underneath it. […]