Epiro: Episode 113

Cast Atticus (elf predator druid 6) Iola (wood elf centered breath monk 6) Nero (human evoker/pyromancer mage 6) Perseus (human Chaladin 6) Thoros (gnome artful dodger rogue 6) Zeus was down and an elemental-flanked cultist was preparing to finish him off with a black sword, while another presumed cultist sat next to a pillar, grasping […]

Wandering Monsters: Dragons Revisited

The last time I recall dragons coming up there was mention of a “legendary” status that could, among other things, allow them to manipulate their environment in interesting, flavorful ways. It had a lot of promise, and so I find it disappointing that all of the dragons in the bestiary still look like 3rd Edition dragons […]

Wandering Monsters: Once Upon a Time

Dungeons & Dragons arbitrarily draws bits and pieces from various mythologies, especially when it comes to monsters: sometimes monsters with set populations can be found in abundance, have different origin stories (if they even had one at all), are named after another monster, come in numerous variations, and/or possess very different strengths and vulnerabilities. I am used to the […]

Epiro: Episode 112

Cast Atticus (level 5 predator druid) Iola (level 5 centered breath monk) Nero (level 5 human evoker) Perseua (level 5 human Chaladin) Thoros (level 5 gnome artful rogue) After another hour or so of walking the characters found a light at the end of the tunnel. A strong wind was funneled into the passage, slowing […]

Legends & Lore: Subpar Classes

I am not a fan of 5th Edition’s approach to classes, even with the introduction of subclasses: you pick a class, then a few levels in pick a subclass, and aside from some stat boosts/feat choices your character is effectively on rails for the rest of the campaign. The rationalization is that it allows a […]