Epiro: Episode 114

Pictured: Spoilers. Kind of. It is not as big. Cast Perseus (level 6 demigod Chaladin) Iola (level 6 wood elf Centered Breath monk) Atticus (level 6 wood elf predator druid) Nero (level 6 human evoker) One-hundred foot diameter rock hurtling towards your face? That would be time to leg it. Atticus and Iola were the […]

Wandering Monsters: Basic Beasties

This week takes a brief look at some classics; the bulette (aka landshark), manticore, owlbear, and pseudodragon. I could not find any stats for the bulette in Next, but if the manticore and owlbear are any indication I am guessing that it is going to be about as…straightforward as it was in 3rd Edition, where […]

Dungeon World: Something Stirs in the Blackscale Brakes

Our second product, Something Stirs in the Blackscale Brakes, is finally up on Drivethrurpg. This is a side project that I have been working on when not bugging Josh about A Sundered World, though ultimately he contributed a good deal to the writing. It is a “campaign front foundation” for Dungeon World that, as the name implies, […]

Legends & Lore: The Next Phase

Though the mostly-final Next packet was a disappointment, I am still ultimately reserving judgement until I see the finished product in case they end up fixing things, and/or create enough optional rules to provide a more entertaining experience. At this point it looks like there are two design teams: one will be in charge of finalizing […]

D&D Q&A: Skills & Proficiencies

Earlier this week it was revealed that skills would be part of the default game (yay!), and we even got to see the current roster (yay…). This week’s Questions & Answers follwup sheds a bit more light on the skill list, how proficiencies work, and if/how you can pick more up. The skill list is mostly […]

D&D Next: The (Almost) Final Packet

Whelp, looks like this is it. Well, except for the part where they mention a packet update for the druid and a paladin oath. Spoilers: I felt that 4th Edition was a major step forward for Dungeons & Dragons. Aside from a few legacy mechanics like per-day resources they were not afraid to change whatever they wanted to […]

Wandering Monsters: Deceitful Devils (Or Is It Demons?)

Dungeons & Dragons does not exactly have the best track record when it comes to translating critters from real-world mythology into the game, so it does not bother me much if the succubus ends up being a devil, demon, or something else entirely. What does bug me is when someone argues that it should be a […]

Legends & Lore: Skills Are Back

It is nice that, after a few weeks of no Legends & Lore (and a pretty disappointing packet release), it comes back from hiatus with some good news: skills are back, +10 lore “skills” and skill dice are gone, and skills are not hard-wired to ability scores. I made it pretty clear on at least one […]

A Sundered World: What Is Going On…Also Mind Flayers

It has been awhile since we last talked about A Sundered World: I moved and have been busy with a new job, play-testing a Super Dungeon Explore expansion, reading up on 13th Age and Numenera, Josh has been busy with his existing job (and his schedule got a bit wonky for awhile, too), etc. So partly this […]

My Next Wishlist

When I got the first playtest packet I was pretty underwhelmed, but still hopeful. Yeah the characters were pre-gens, the system looked like the worst of what 3rd Edition had to offer, and the adventure made absolutely no sense, but despite the protests of my group I figured that this was just the initial release: […]