Dragon’s-Eye View: Goblinoids, Take Two

Aside from a few nitpicks, I actually like the look of these goblins quite a bit. I like the bugbear‘s feet. They look a bit bearish, which is a nice touch. It could stand to look bit bulkier, with a less cat-like face. Also I think its gear should look a bit more scavenged. Well…I […]

Wandering Monsters: The Walking Dead

Undead make great dungeon fodder; they are easy to justify in the dungeon setting, and there are lots of low-level choices to work with. While a lot are unintelligent, even the smart ones tend to be evil so as an added plus you do not have to feel guilty for hacking them apart (though you […]

D&D Next: October Playtest Packet

The new playtest packet went up yesterday, along with a Legend & Lore article on the same topic. Most of it concerns magic items, though some monster traits have been changed and XP values reduced. I guess the Caves of Chaos adventure got updated to reflect these changes, too. BestiaryWhen I say that the XP […]

D&D Next: Duergar Race

Note: Sorry if this has been cropping up a lot. I have had a very difficult time getting this article mostly formatted. Since I completed my conversion of Keep on the Shadowfell, I have been working on Thunderspire Labyrinth. It has gone somewhat smoothly considering that I was about halfway done recreating it for 4th […]

Wandering Monsters: What Do You Think?

James Wyatt goes over previous Wandering Monsters columns to compare monster flavor and crunch (for those that have both), and there is also a poll at the end to see how well you think it all matches up. What do I think? Well… OrcsStrong, tough, and high damage output–with the ability to boost that with a wild […]

Legends & Lore: Magic Systems

I was kind of disappointed quite awhile back when I read that the wizard class in D&D Next would use the pseudo-Vancian system from previous D&D editions. Not enough to call it a wash, as I figured that it would be close enough to 3rd Edition that I could crib the optional rules out of […]