Wandering Monsters: The Restless Dead

The undead discussion wraps up (for now) with some more ghost-talk. It is not much, but I think it helps provide some much needed distinction between ghosts and specters: ghosts haunt areas and have unfinished business that can still be resolved, while specters are free roaming, their tasks incapable of being completed. In addition to […]

D&D Next: Another October Packet

Looks like we get another treat this month, and it is not even Halloween yet. You can download the packet here, as well as read up on some of the changes (and reasons for them) in a Legends & Lore column here. There is a lot going on in this packet; classes go up to level […]

Dragons-Eye View: Dragons. Dragons. Dragons.

A Dragon’s-Eye View on dragons? While we saw the concept art in one of the GenCon keynote videos (or in person if you were lucky enough to go), it is nice to finally get a discussion on the look of dragons. Well the red dragon anyway, which is fine since it is both an iconic dragon–appearing on […]

Wandering Monsters: Energy Drain

Wights & wraiths, eh? Sounds like a White Wolf dungeon crawler in the making. Specifically Wyatt talks more about energy drain than the undead themselves, trying to determine what it should be capable of. Before I get into energy drain, I want to say that I like the flavor material for the wight. It seems […]

Legends & Lore: Class Design

There is a lot on Mearls’s class design guidelines that I like. Using what previously exists is an obvious start, and this is how I went about making my own class homebrews. What I really like about this is where they actually challenge their bullet list by determining what is absolutely critical about the class’s […]

Dragon’s-Eye View: Undead

Jon talks undead, specifically ghosts and the ghost-like specter and wraith. He first asks about the visual differences between the three. No mechanics, just that if you described them to a player if they could tell them apart. Based on his descriptions and art, I could say that save for the ghost and spectre yeah, they […]

Wandering Monsters: The Ancient Dead

Wandering Monsters continues its undead theme, this time with mummies and liches. MUMMIES Right off the bat I am not liking that they serve as guardians of eeevil. What if someone volunteers? What if an entire culture is actually okay with this? What if being turned into a mummy to protect something (or someone) is […]

Thunderspire Labyrinth: Chamber of Eyes

Victor and I rebuilt the Chamber of Eyes from H2: Thunderspire Labyrinth. All in all, I think he helped me convey the tone really well. It is not a happy place. I did this once before, largely using the original map. I figured I would try and think what an actual temple dedicated to Torog […]

Legends & Lore: This Week in D&D

Mearls sheds some light on things that they are working on, namely classes, backgrounds, and specialties. It sucks that the sorcerer and warlock are getting pulled back, as they were far more interesting than the pseduo-Vancian, fire-and-forget wizard (at-wills or no), though  I am hopeful that wizard traditions will close the gap…at least somewhat, anyway. […]