Wandering Monsters & Dragon’s-Eye View: Giants

I have never had the opportunity to play any of the G-series adventures or the remakes, or really use giants in general (though I have often planned to). I blame them being understandably mid- to high-level threats, a lofty peak that my groups have only achieved a couple of times. In fact the only time I […]

Legend & Lore: Playtest Update

Mearls speaks about the bad, the good, and the etc of the playtest. I am going to address some of these things out of order, mostly so I can keep all the class stuff together.ClericI dug the cleric quite a bit. I kept proposing a magic system in which the cleric would get “miracles” per […]

D&D Next: Keep on the Shadowfell Complete

After a few weeks, Victor and I were able to finish converting H1: Keep on the Shadowfell. If you read my notes on it when I redid it for 4th Edition, this one goes into more depth with actual maps, new monsters, and a couple of magic items. Let me know what you think, as well […]

Legends & Lore: Multiclassing in Next

I barely even remember how multiclassing (or dual-classing) worked in 2nd Edition. I recall that you had to pick out your classes from the start, and that XP was divided between them. Multiclassing in 3rd Edition was simpler, but did not make a lot of sense. Basically when you got enough XP to level up, […]

Age of Worms: Episodes 001 and 002

Character Roster Vincent d’Argentum (dragonmarked human sorcerer) Er’ril (human bard) Pipli (goblin wizard) Fea (changling rogue) Sakatash (kalasthar ardent) Klaive (warforged fighter) With the release of the revised 3rd Edition Edition premium books and 5th Edition still a couple years away, I decided that now might be a good time to try finishing Age of […]

Dragon’s Eye View & Wandering Monsters: Minotaurs

The minotaur is a very iconic monster, both in Greek mythology and Dungeons & Dragons, though before 4th Edition I do not recall much general flavor about them. In 2nd Edition’s favor I have not played it in basically forever, and an Ecology article withstanding 3rd Edition did not go much beyond mentioning that they […]

D&D Next: Keep on the Shadowfell Map Update

Here is the rough of the Shadowfell Keep Catacombs: If you played the original Keep on the Shadowfell, you probably remember the maps of the levels underneath Shadowfell Keep: apparently everyone lived in giant square rooms, underground, without furnishings, linked by 10-foot wide hallways about 50 or so feet apart. I also do not recall […]

Wandering Monsters: Yuan-ti and Ogres

While I read about the yuan-ti (which for some reason I always spelled as yaun-ti) last week, I was unable to get around to writing about it soon enough, and figured I would just lump it with whatever we got this week. My thoughts on the yuan-ti can be easily summed up as “I like […]