Heart of the Scar Review

Looks like whatever the Chaos Scar was supposed to be is finally wrapping up. At least with Blackdirge on the job it will go out with a bang. Literally. If you are going to play in this adventure, stop reading and go make your DM run it now. Bribe him or her if necessary. If […]

Rebuilding Thunderspire Labyrinth, Duergar

I am probably not the only person that doesn’t like beard-chucking duergar, so while working on updating Thunderspire Labyrinth I also decided to give them a new conic power to spare myself having to describe the original. I wanted to avoid stepping on the toes of the tiefling. I figure if any of my players actually […]

Tile Trek: A Knight in Shadowghast Manor Review

For a dungeon delve designed to showcase the Shadowghast Manor tile set, this adventure sure tries to pack in backstory content. The short of it is that the ironically named Shadowghast family used to be big-ass heroes. One of their sons suffering from Elric Syndrome makes a deal with the devil so that he too […]

Paragons of Fey Virtue

The last time I ran Erui one of the highlights was when the characters defeated some Winter Court agents and jacked their magic shit, which resulted in Beth’s character gaining a figurine of wondrous power that was an ice unicorn. Immediately after using it the game devolved into a bunch of Charlie the Unicorn jokes, which […]

Demons & Devils

HordelingsHordelings were first featured in Book of Vile Darkness, presented as a Gargantuan swarm that could spawn 1-4 minion brutes once per round when it got hit. This article adds the greater hordeling, which is more in line with what I remember from Planescape–and possibly 3rd Edition, I honestly don’t remember–as you choose from any monster […]

Thunderspire Labyrinth, Episode 2

I cannot even remember the last time my weekend group got together to keep plodding through filtered WotC adventures. I suppose I could just scroll down and check the date for episode one, but…eh, screw it. While wandering through the labyrinth with a bound hobgoblin for a guide, they run into a gelatinous cube shadowed […]

Steading of the Hill Giant Chieftain

Part one of a four-part re-imagining of Against the Giants is up, written by Chris Perkins no less. I have been a huge fan of Perkins ever since he started doing the Penny Arcade podcasts, and his Dungeon Master Experience column has been invaluable in writing my own loose, sandbox campaign. I never read or even […]

Rebuilding Thunderspire Labyrinth, Part 3

We ended up cancelling the game again, so I spent some time working on a new map for the Horned Hold because I really did not like the layout. Here is the uncrumpled sketch that I liked the most: I just realized that the lower-right part looks like a hand pointing. And here is what […]

Book of Vile Darkness Review

“Bound in human flesh and inked in blood, this ancient Sumerian text contained bizarre burial rites, funerary incantations and demon resurrection passages. It was never meant for the world of the living.” While that would be a pretty rad product, that is the description for another book. I’m here to talk about the Books of […]