Book of Vile Darkness: Demonologist

Today’s excerpt has garnered some negative criticism partially for the outfit, but largely because of the quasit’s anger issues; most of the time it gets along just fine, but if you are unable to give it orders–like you are stunned, dominated, or sleeping–then it “acts under the Dungeon Master’s control as your enemy”. Despite this […]

Beyond the Crystal Cave: Encounter 1

Given that the day I am scheduled to run Encounters at Knightfall Games fell on a holiday I did not have the chance to run it, so instead of a play report I am just going to give my thoughts on how the first encounter is written. The session opens up with the characters waiting […]

Feywild Themes

I am really pleased with the timing of the recent Feywild love, because my group has pressed me into re-visting Erui, a homebrew campaign that I ran and shelved over a year ago. The first article is really in name only intended for the Moonshaes, a region in Forgotten Realms (which as an aside has an […]

Legend & Lore: A Different Way To Blah

This picture does not work at any level. What? No…just…what? Having actually played 3rd Edition, attacks of opportunity might not have actually come up all the time–though they were pretty common–but the fact that they existed affected how characters moved and what they did. For example, if the wizard was on the ropes the fighter might […]

Heroic Tier Rituals

So…rituals. Well, also ritual feats. Rituals have been a tricky thing in my games, despite my including them–both in book and scroll form–with the specific intent to give my players an edge, components to use them, and reducing the casting time on a lot of them. Who knows, maybe new Ritual Feats will give them the last […]

Thunderspire Labyrinth, Episode 1

Cast  Ceriok (male eladrin hybrid ardent/fey-pact warlock) Sterling (male vryloka paladin) Riven (male halfling vampire) Reyn (male human bard) Shen (male tiefling infernal-pact hexblade) A month had passed since the characters slew the dragon leading the kobolds, and defeated Kalarel before he could open a portal to the Shadowfell. Lord Padraig summoned them and as […]

Legend & Lore: Out of Bounds

I have really gotta stop reading these things, because all they do is confuse, frustrate, and make me wonder exactly what game Monte Cook was allegedly playing “back in the day”.  Does the game present players with challenges that have pre-made solutions? Kind of? There are useful guidelines and suggestions for the budding DM—such as […]

Excerpts: Evil Campaigns

The first look at Book of Vile Darkness concerns campaign themes and an arc that will hopefully unify an evil party to work together long enough to see results. Staples such as conquest and destroying the world are present, along with working against other evil forces and killing gods. Running an evil campaign can be a […]

Critical Failures: What Color Was That Dragon, Again?

This happened like, the session before we stopped running my first homebrew 4th Edition campaign over a year ago. I had gotten Player’s Handbook 2 months before and was itching to run something with a tight primal/Feywild/celtic theme. The main quest was that the players were searching for pieces of a song that had been written by […]

Critical Failures: So, You Had a Twin Sister

This is just a story about something that a player did–or rather, did not do–during one of my campaigns that we still bring up from time to time. About a year ago I had started running a campaign set in Eberron’s Shadow Marches, which relied heavily on aberrant cults gradually weakening Gatekeeper seals, raising sunken […]