Heroes of Shadow Feats

The last preview for Heroes of Shadow showcases a bunch of feats. I like a lot of them, but some of them seem very…focused. For example, Legioncaller of Moil gives your summoned shadow critters a bonus to attack rolls and defenses, while Executioner of Undeath lets you reroll any damage dice when attacking undead once. […]

Bedlam Talks Daggerdale

I’ve played Baldur’s Gate, both Neverwinter Nights, and even gave D&D Online a shot, but when it comes to the digital front I can count on one finger the number of Dungeons & Dragons games that have captured my attention long enough for me to complete them. So given this track record, when I heard that a few new […]

Design & Development: Heroes of Shadow

Robert addresses–for the most part–why they didn’t go the route of a necromancer class, and the differences between necromancy and nethermancy. When 4th Edition came out there was a distinct lack of spells that could be said to fit the theme of a necromancer, and people waited for the day when WotC would finally get […]

Legend & Lore: Stay Classy

This is pretty late, I know, but I found it while rummaging through the Legend & Lore archives, and realized that I never got around to doing a post about it (but I had totally planned on it). The article talks about the prevalence of the class mechanic throughout games–even today–and how they changed in […]

Legend & Lore: What’s With all the Polls?

So, Mearls has revealed his grandiose plans behind all the polling: dialogue. Yep, that’s right, dialogue. He likens it to “convention dialogue”, with the polls allowing you to respond (that, and the D&D Insider email link inviting you to pitch in your two coppers). Apparently, some people thought that they were for market research (despite […]

DDI: Monster Builder "Update"

I was pretty excited to get a message at work that the “brand new” Monster Builder was launched today. Unfortunately, when I got home and fired up Adventure Tools, I was pretty bummed to see that it not only still has the graphic indicating that it’s Beta software, that–aside from perhaps an Import feature–there is […]

Gamma World: Pedal to the Metal

If you think your Gamma World game was lacking in the vehicle department, as well as a slew of rules for operating and modifying them, then you’re in luck. Even better, it’s free (which is ironic, because this is the kind of content I’d readily pay for). This is really something that should have been […]

Temple of Yellow Skulls Review

I knew going into this book that it would be picking up where Mark of Nerath left off in terms of overall plot and cast. Not because I finished it (Mark of Nerath), but because I read the preview blurbs for Temple of the Yellow Skulls. I just hoped that if anyone could make me give two […]

Design & Development: The Abyssal Plague

The Chained God, the Abyss, and an associated plague? Why oh why didn’t WotC make this into an adventure path? The idea is perfect for one, and it would have been miles better than The Chaos Scar (which I think has potential, just poorly executed). I don’t mind WotC publishing novels, as I think they’re great for a different […]

Racial Ability Bonuses

If you’re the kind of group that has the kind of DM that needs to have WotC “allow” a rule before it can be utilized, and have yearned for the day when your deva, genasi, goliath, kalashtar, shadar-kai, or warforged could benefit from a floating ability score modifier, then your wait is over. Yeah, there’s some […]