March of the Phantom Brigade, Week 3

There was considerably more social interaction this week, as Liz and the crew scouted out the ruins of Castle Inverness. The players, not knowing what to expect, were exceedingly cautious in their investigation. Well, most of them that is. Every player but one tried to sneak towards it, searching for access points and threats, while […]

Change Can Be Good

Rob has an article on ten things he’d have changed about 4th Edition. There are some things that I agree with, some I don’t, and some middle ground. I won’t respost his post, but I will address his proposed changes. Classic FocusI basically agree with what the designers did on all the cited changes: the […]

Dark Sun Threats

I’ve already got the Dark Sun itch, and this article is a painful reminder. It’s short, featuring all of four new monsters and a pair of themes, but damn is it good. Going in order, we start with monsters. The aarakockra darter is a controller that can throw poisonous darts and and a death sentence barbed nets to easily […]

Unearthed Arcana: Fight or Flight

For the less blood-thirsty groups, this article provides some basic advice on how to resolve encounters using methods other than thorough decimation. It starts out by adding an extra step to the turn sequence, allowing each side to determine if it wants to keep fighting, negotiate, run, or give up. There’s no rules or checks […]

Winning Races: Genasi of Athas

If you’re looking for new material on genasi and run Dark Sun, this article has a healthy mix of flavor and crunch material for you. There’s a little more than four pages of information on history, role-playing, physical qualities, communities, personality traits, and backgrounds. I found it interesting, especially the bits on primordials creating the […]

Legends & Lore: Minis

Not pictured: the other sandwich bags, plastic tubs, and assorted clutter on the bookshelves. I have a lot of minis. I’m pretty sure a looong time ago, I made a post talking about how much I like using minis in my D&D games. I’ve been using minis since I started out with Basic, which consisted of some solid-red […]

Wrath of Ashardalon, Wizard Solo

Castle Ravenloft had an adventure that you could solo, presumably to help learn the rules through actual play, as I couldn’t imagine surviving on your own for more than a few turns. Likewise, Wrath of Ashardalon has a small adventure in which you must navigate the halls until you find a secret entrance to escape. After reading […]

Magic Item Wishlists

It’s probably just the orange light bulb from the Pulp Fiction Briefcase. In the last 2nd Edition campaign I played in, we rarely if ever found treasure. I remember getting a +1 two-handed sword (+2 versus undead!) at third level, and I think a suit of +1 chainmail went to the cleric at sixth. I don’t recall […]

Formatting Content

Robert posits the question of formatting. Specifically, if 4th Edition would have been better received had it been rendered in 3rd Edition’s format. He even goes so far as to do a quick mock-up of what a cleric might have looked like, including a couple of prayers, a spell, and an exploit in the vein […]

Hierophant Druids

In case you’re one of those people that think that the Essentials line divided classes pre-and-post release well, this article is geared for both druids and sentinels, as indicated by the Player’s Handbook 2 and Heroes of the Forgotten Kingdoms stamps of approval. So, ha. You know, if they’re going to put little icons in the article […]