Updated At the Mines of Madness Adventure

For some reason, blogger kept timing out after my last post, so I had to delete it. Again, you can download the pdf and associated stat blocks for At the Mines of Madness here. It’s been reformatted and updated from the original. I couldn’t get it to properly format with the monster stat blocks and […]

Assassin: Executioner

The finalized, non-accidental executioner class is available for download. Having read over the class for like the third time I think, my original opinion still stands: I like it a lot more than the shadow-only assassin. This is based on the fact that when I compare them side by side, the executioner just feels like more of […]

Dragon: The Aberrant Souls

I’d recently had to shelve an aberrant-heavy campaign due to one of the players quitting, complete with the potential for characters to become corrupted and mutated by exposure to energies from Xoriant. So when I read articles like this it feels like fate is mocking me, because it is both a good article–amidst a dearth […]

Interactive Gamma World Character Sheet

Though Gamma World lacks its own Character Builder, you can make a character online via this interactive character sheet–with no subscription required. You can randomly generate everything about the character that you’d expect, though there are drop-down menus if you want to choose your options manually. The only glitch I noticed was that the first time messing […]

The Awakened Psion

To my recollection, this is the second Unearthed Arcana article that’s been posted, which is a way for Dragon writers to pitch various houserules. Despite being in the magazine, they aren’t “official”, and as such cannot be used in RPGA events, nor will they be included in Character Builder. If you want to use them, you’re […]

Dragon: To Live Defeated

Virtually every combat scenario–and more than a few non-combat ones–traditionally ends when the heroes having beaten all the hit points out of their foes. Sometimes the players don’t want to kill an opponent for one reason or other: it might be a guard just “doing his job”, an innocent citizen acting under misinformation (or magical compulsion), […]

A New Age

One of the players in my Tuesday group decided to hang up his dice due to burn out. Over the next few weeks we’ll be looking for another player before I start running Age of Worms, converted to 4th Edition. I had quite a few adventures written up for my current campaign, and so before […]

Dragon & Dungeon Magazines For Sale

I’ve got a massive library of Dragon and Dungeon magazines that I’m looking to sell in order to make room on one of my bookshelves before I just donate them to one of my local game stores. Dragon: Issues 99, 101, 102, 274-277, 283-359 (For the 3rd Edition magazines, I’m missing 278-282). They are all in very […]

Mark of Nerath Review

I’d sworn that I’d posted a review of Mark of Nerath, but then I realized that I’d used it as an example of a terrible product in my Business class. When it comes to buying Dungeons & Dragons novels I’m always hesitant unless they’re written by Don Bassingthwaite (whose name I can spell without looking), as like […]

More from the Virtual Table

As part of a side-project, I copied the level 2 delve “The Broken Tower” from Dungeon Delve. Here’s what I got: I might have mentioned before that there aren’t a lot of tokens to use, so I had to use the orc and hobgoblin to represent a bugbear and goblin underboss. The tile library also […]