At the Mines of Madness Finale

We wrapped up the last session of At the Mines of Madness last week, a session that I’ve forgotten much of the fine details. I do recall that in a fit of characteristic paranoia the party buried their treasure since they were afraid of it turning them into aberrant horrors, which to be fair was […]

Heroes of the Fallen Lands Review

Heroes of the Fallen Lands is the first of two player-centric books from the Essentials line, which is designed to let new players test the waters at a lower price before jumping in. It’s soft cover, which is something that I’m not fond of when it comes to my gaming books due to the fragile […]

Winning Races: Dwarves

This Winning Races article is presented “Essentials-style”, in that all the feats within are lumped into thematic categories instead of on one vast table. This has the advantage of allowing you to quickly choose your feats based on what you want for your character instead of having to peruse literally hundreds of feats, and since […]

At the Mines of Madness Adventure

Here is the first adventure in the Tendrils of Fate adventure path, At the Mines of Madness. It’s written entirely by me with some maps redone by Victor (aka ThePlaneswalker) and takes place in Eberron (specifically the Shadow Marches). Unfortunately since its not an “official” adventure by WotC the production value is shit and though I […]

They Think They’re People

“Why do monsters have feats?”As far as I know it’s because the designers felt the need to have both characters and monsters purportedly play by the same rules. Why did they feel that this was necessary? I have no idea, as from past experience I’ve discovered that its both it’s bad design philosophy and a waste […]

Essential Impressions

Having fiddled around with the Starter Set–which isn’t hard because there isn’t much to fiddle with–I’ve come to some realizations. This is not a new edition by any stretch. By itself this product could barely be considered introductory since you can only elevate yourself to level two and the character options are virtually nonexistent: there are no class features listed […]

Ravenloft Play Report

Late last night we cracked open Ravenloft to give it a shot. By “we”, I mean two people that have played a lot of D&D (Liz and myself), and two people who either had a long time ago or only once. I decided to start us out with the scenario where we had to find and kill Gravestorm, a […]