The Shadows Over Greyshore, Part 2

After a week hiatus and a few minutes up recap, the party continued their quest to escape the second civilized location that they’d been to–in a row–where the locals were trying to kill them. Leaving the inn they heard a trilling drone that was difficult to describe as I’d probably heard it in the movie Cthulhu […]

Keep on the Shadowfell w/ Essentials, Part 3

Since Devin was jonesing for some more D&D–at midnight no less–so we decided to through a few encounters  in an effort to wrap up Keep on the Shadowfell. Having slain a dragon last session and returned to Winterhaven with word and proof of their deed, they ventured north towards the ruined keep in order to […]

Keep on the Shadowfell w/ Essentials, Behind the Screen

Paul asked a few questions in the comments of my Essentials-only Keep on the Shadowfell playthrough, which can be summed up as what did I change, and did I encourage my players to create the traits that they did. First, character traits. Since I was running the adventure more or less on the fly, I had the […]

Keep on the Shadowfell w/ Essentials, Part 2

Josh was able to make it this time around, rolling up a human warpriest of Kord, named Donner. While wandering around the forest aimlessly the party happened upon him and a considerable kobold warband. Aside from Delinth getting taken down by a critical ambush (I left some slyblades lurking in bushes), everyone was fine if […]

Keep on the Shadowfell w/ Essentials

I’m running Keep on the Shadowfell for the third time, for a third group. Fortunately, this time around I can take all the changes implemented from the second time (ie, the whole adventure) and better integrate them. It also helps that 75% of the party isn’t fucking drow, possibly due to the fact that I restricted […]

Staffs & Spells

There’s some more Essentials support in the form of staff-fighting options and another mage school specialization. Starting with staffs, the article comes in two parts. The first allows knights and slayers to pick non-parallel alternative class features in order to make the quarterstaff a viable choice, in case that’s something that appealed to you. Personally, […]

Executioner Assassin Playtest

Depending on where you live and how much you care, Essentials has either been out for a week, or you’re still waiting on it. Regardless, it’s already got quite a hefty content delivery with a full-blown 30-level playtest class, the executioner. Though cited in Heroes of the Fallen Lands as a martial class, the executioner […]

The Shadows Over Greyshore, Part 1

The party decided that their best course of action would be to head towards Greyshore. Though they all knew it to be an impoverished fishing village, they figured that they could at least get a boat and get back to Zarash’ak that much quicker. On the way they were ambushed by more bullywugs (consistency!) and […]

Desperate & Delusional?

As per usual people are upset at how Wizards of the Coast is marketing their Essentials lineup, with the majority shares of animosity directed at their “desperate retro labeling” in hopes that lapsed and butthurt edition diehards clinging to their outdated, out of print games will rejoin our ranks. ‘Cause, you know, it’s good business […]

The Wayward Wyrmling Review

Warning: This is an adventure review that contains spoilers. I remember back in the days of Old Editions Past when dragons had hard-wired personalities based on whether their scales were made from metal or simply gone over with a Crayola, with metallic dragons usually having a Good component appended to their alignment. Like most “Always X […]