Shardpit Inn Map

Simple three-story inn. Bottles: Bottles can be wielded or thrown as an improvised weapon that deal 1d4 damage on a hit. If they are full, the next fire attack that hits the target deals 2 extra damage. Finally, characters can use them to prep molotov cocktails (minor action to prep, 1d6 fire damage on a hit). […]

D&D And Content Creep

Donny the DM asks, “Is 4E beginning to creep too much?“, by which he means if you think that 4E is coming out with too much content, too quickly. Thinking several years back, I want to say that its about the same. I seem to recall 3rd Edition books coming out in singles or pairs […]

Tharashk Enclave Map

A map of the House Tharashk enclave in Shardpit. I did this map a few times, and instead of drawing out the furnishings again I’m just going to number-label everything and describe it in the actual adventure. There aren’t a lot of dragonmarked members, here, as Shardpit is at the ass-end of the Shadow Marches (and […]

Updated Shardpit Garrison Map

ThePlaneswalker likes to do maps and make brand-spanking new classes (as well as update this site) and he’s really good at them. Here’s my pencil-rough that I scribbled out awhile ago. And here’s his rendition (its even got the realistically thick outer walls!).

Bloodlines of Arkhosia: Dragonfear

So now dragonborn can swap out dragon breath for dragonfear, and I guess losing the ability to belch out a gout of elemental energy somehow makes you more intimidating? To be fair, I can see where they’re going with this: get rid of one draconic quality and exchange it for another, and the concept has merit. Dragonfear is a […]

Monster Manual 3 Lite Review

Monster Manual 3 is purported to have, “over 200 monsters,” but I’m not about to count the index or glossary to confirm this. There’s a lot of monsters, and book supports the entire range of monster levels, so like past books its good no matter what tier(s) your characters populate. Some are classics, like the cave fisher, mimic, […]

Player’s Handbook Races: Tieflings Review

Though not exactly a fan of dragonborn I thought that Player’s Handbook Races: Dragonborn kicked ass. It added a lot of fluff and crunch to the race that helped inspire a few characters (that I’ll honestly probably never play, but still). Tieflings got kind of a bum rap at the start of 4th Edition, and thanks […]

Shardpit Garrison Map

Oh, castles, keeps, forts, etc…the bane of my existence. Since Shardpit is at the ass-crack of nowhere, I figured that House Tharashk wasn’t given much of a budget, even for a dragonshard operation. The garrison isn’t too big (can “reasonably” house 34 soldiers, two to a room), but the townsfolk are a hardy bunch and are […]