Running Keep on the Shadowfell, Part 1

Like many people my first real exposure to 4th Edition was via H1: Keep on the Shadowfell, which along with leaked pdf workproofs, was intended to showcase 4th Edition before it officially came out. On a purely technical level it succeeded in doing that: you get quick-start rules, some pre-fabbed PCs, and (ir)relevant(?) monster stats. To me, it […]


Raggamoffyn concept. This thing is too fucking stupid for words, but I figure I can use it for a joke monster despite April almost being over. Click for larger image!

The Deck of Many Things

I’ve never had the misfortune chance to use a deck of many things on either side of the screen, though I have to say that as a DM its something that falls into the category of, “Very likely to break your game: do NOT fucking use.” I’m a fan of a more or less balanced game […]

Three-Dragon Ante Review

Me: Oooh, the Three-Dragon Ante expansion/stand-alone thingy is out! Everyone Else: What the fuck is Three-Dragon Ante? Three-Dragon Ante is one of a few attempts by WotC to invent card games that can be played independently of Dungeons & Dragons while at the same time being games that could feasibly exist in that world. In other words, its a […]

The Mind’s Eye Opened

This is one of the best articles on Dungeon I’ve seen in a long time. Its divided into three parts, providing advice on injecting psionic elements into your game and an entire psionic monster theme so that you can swap out powers on existing monsters to represent being fucked with by psionics and/or the Far […]

Eyes in the Forest Review

I’m a fan of a few Chaos Scar adventures, preferring the entertaining, compact experience over that of the larger adventure modules which all too often seem like the author is trying to pack two levels worth of shit where it doesnt want to fit. I think Wizards really has something here with the whole five-ish […]

Shazbot’s Review of Clash of the Titans

For many of us Dungeons & Dragons fans, the 1981 film Clash of the Titans is a seminal work that has inspired our games for years, even with such glaring warts as the cheesy dialogue, stiff looking Ray Harryhausen animation and stupid clockwork owl, the original film remains a classic of our childhood…a grand adventure […]

Lot of DDI Updates

I’ve been extremely busy with moving, work, and school. Things should smooth out within the week, but until then I’m going to call out a few DDI articles that I actually give a fuck about (meaning almost anything but Forgotten Realms articles). First up is Underhanded and Overconfident, an article on playing scoundrel types. Its roughly […]