Familiar Power

Its like Wizards realized how shitty familiars used to be, and so is making up for lost time. There’s more articles on familiars than most classes. Oi. I’ve really enjoyed 4E’s iteration of familiars in that they made them useful and cool. I’ve also enjoyed that Wizards has taken the time to further integrate them […]

"Advanced" Classes are Stupid

Okay, I don’t know why some people think that having to master a system in order to play something is ever a good thing. One of the many reasons I enjoy 4E is because all classes, regardless of their narrative capabilities, all follow the same mechanics for task resolution. This allows a player to learn […]

Class Acts: Invoker

This invoker Class Acts article allows invokers to strengthen the connection with their respective deity by picking up Awaken God Fragment, a nifty paragon feat that gives you a few constant benefits in addition to augmenting your encounter and daily prayers. The constant benefits are about what I’d expect for a typical heroic feat: +2 […]

Supporting Cast: Owlbear Companion

Wyatt’s got a thing where he makes sample companions, which got me for some reason thinking about the baby owlbear from The Whispering Cairn. Companions were “officially” introduced in Dungeon Master’s Guide 2, and are mostly used to fill out empty party slots and/or as guest stars for an encounter or two. I think they […]

The Flame Door & Adventuring Armies

The Flame Door i–OMG two pages and its Forgotten Realms? Moving on! I’m not going to post the preview art for Adventuring Armies since it looks so retarded. Its like a poorly drawn KoRn album just randomly walked into a room with an abandoned game table, and decided to just start ripping on the game. […]

Ecology of the Mithral Dragon

You can finally view Ecology of the Mithral Dragon. It expands on the information in Draconomicon 2 in addition to a page of monster-theme power swaps (page 9) and a sample lair. Personally the theme powers is the best part. The rest ranges from “meh” to “somewhat interesting”. Nothing more to say… ¯\(°_0)/¯

Class Acts: Warlock

The Daughters of the Blackest Night focuses on powers and feats appropriate for infernal warlocks that form a pact with Glasya. The story content is short and somewhat entertaining. The sidebars are also of interest in that they mention optional restrictions that you could apply to the spells and feats to make players roleplay/work a […]

The Tainted Spiral

You know what? Fuck it. Just rename this adventure path to, “Blackdirge’s Most Excellent Adventure Path,” since he’s responsible for the only two adventures that I’d bother to run (counting this one). I like The Tainted Spiral because its got a simple, strong theme thats consistent and logical. Its short enough to entertain for an […]

Pathfinder: Summoner Playtest

I’m going to open up that Wayne Reynolds rocks, and needs to compile a D&D art book. Its been awhile since I’ve looked at anything 3rd Edition, but I was curious to see how Paizo would attempt a summoner class, for better or for worse. At a glance, the paragraphs upon paragraphs that only explain […]

Winning Races: Dusk Elf

So…yeah. I hope that this isnt going to be a trend. I didnt care for the 30+ elf subraces in 3rd Edition, and I somehow dont think that 4E will make it any better. Dusk elves are elves that have the Dusk Elf Stealth feat. Apparently this makes you pale, emo, and wear clothing that […]