Terrain Features: Magic Circles

This is one of those strange articles that doesnt really get into hard mechanics, but mostly whimsy player-driven-fun. I’ve been dealing a lot with magic circles, having read the entire Dresden Files series in the span of a month, and one of many good effects its had on me is an appreciation for circular magic.First […]

Forums Are Back

And…it looks like if Gleemax had sex with MySpace. Huh. Addendum: Except that they look like crap and its a bitch to navigate. Oh well, I mostly stopped going there anyway.

Pathfinder Review

Holy. Fucking. Shit. Okay, okay, its finally out, and its huge. Its a good thing that we’re looking at a 3rd Edition re-hash, or I’d have a lot to learn, amirite? Content wise, its basically PH and DMG glued together. It starts out with race, classes, feats, skills, etc before moving on to building adventures […]

Bahamut’s Champions Review

Out of all the good aligned gods, Bahamut is certainly one of my favorites. One problem is that aside from clerics I dont really give two shits about divine characters, though that might change when Josh starts running Scales of War with plenty of houserules and extra bits tacked on to make it more presentable. […]

Dragon Magazine Annual Review

As many have heard, for some reason its out an entire month early. Dont know why, dont care why. All that matters is that I got one before the clerical error(?) got resolved. Dragon Magazine Annual is a compilation of 14 articles considered to be the, “best of the best,” published out of Dragon from […]

Player’s Strategy Guide Cover

Straight from the Penny-Arcade site, Gabe has posted up a very clear image of the cover for Player’ Strategy Guide. Gabe has said as such that its, “supposed to help you build a solid character.” I can tell you how to do that, easy: put a 16 in the ability score you use to make […]

DMG2 Eye Candy

Looks like Dungeon Master’s Guide 2 has some badass pictures in store. Here are a few that you can find in the previews. This one is my favorite. Its totally fucking epic-win.

Living Lightning Bolt

Here’s the living lightning bolt, Josh. Tis neither a brute NOR skirmisher! I kept it the same level as the fireball since they are both level 5 dailies. Note: HA! The Teleportation keyword has a typo…better let the devs know that.