Minotaur Warlord/Artificer

I tried tinkering with Character Builder a bit, but in the end I think that a minotaur serving as a front-line soldier during the Last War (I would totally play this guy in an Eberron campaign) made more sense than an artificer. I’m not saying it couldnt work, but I felt that it was cooler […]

Homebrew: Keeper of the Light

A basic elite monster that protects/talks to/wields an intelligent sunblade, complete with teleporting minions that popped in every round to harass ranged characters (ie, Greymalkin). This was the last encounter that the group ran into during the second session of The Hydra’s Grave, and gave Grynn a chance to use some extended Arcana checks to […]

June Editorial Calendar

June’s calendar is up. Mondays and Fridays are Eberron Player’s Guide excerpts, but I could give a fuck less about City of the Dead. However, couple those with Divine Power and Eberron Campaign Guide excerpts, and its a good month even for the non-subscribers. I’m eager as usual to see what gets thrown into the […]

Preview(s): Pathfinder RPG

There is a massive, 60+ page thread on RPGnet that talks about the previews Paizo has revealed about the “new look” of Pathfinder‘s equivalent to the fighter. Well, and the sorcerer. If you want to sum it up, fighter’s still suck, spellcasters are still broken, and Paizo is still failing to correctly steal the good […]

Delve Night: Silent7Seven vs. Goblins

This is my second stab at doing a delve run using playtest or otherwise new material. Andrew at Silent7Seven suggested I use a lot of their stuff this time around, and I was happy to jump at the opportunity since while I thought it looked interesting, wasnt sure how it would hold up to use. […]

Dragon: Hybrid Characters, Take 2

Updated mechanics for hybrid characters is out, marking the end of May’s issue of Dragon. It is complimented by a Design & Development article, giving you some insight into the designer’s thought processes and methods. The two big things that I noticed are that hit points and healing surges are now given in fractions, so […]

Excerpt: Self-Forged

This week we get a preview paragon path pertaining to artificers. The good news is that this means that between now and date, that if anyone is actually playing a non-houseruled single-classed artificer that there is finally an “official” paragon path to snag at 11th-level. Self-forged are 4th Edition’s renegade mastermakers, and are artificers that […]

Jaroo, Gnome Barbarian

Jaroo belongs to the Ghost-Stalker clan, which relies on their limited invisibility to hunt and kill. Since gnomes get a Charisma bonus, I decided to go with the thaneblood class feature with the intention to later multiclass into shaman, bard, or perhaps sorcerer (to bank on the magical aptitude that the race possesses). To this […]

Songs of Erui: Session 3

Party Roster Kegan (dwarf paladin 2) Greymalkin (razorclaw shifter ranger 2) Maev (elf druid 2) Grynn (gnoll artificer 2) As a quick recap, the campaign opened with the party tracking down a gang of goblins that had been harassing the village of Dorsen. I prefer to start my games with dice rolling, and gave them […]

Kalashtar and Telepathy

Khyber’s Harvest is one of many things you can get on Free RPG Day, which is a Dungeon & Dragons adventure written by Keith Baker, and it includes a kalashtar invoker as one of several pregen characters. While the poster wouldnt go into many specifics, he did reveal that one of the racial abilities is […]