Review: The Lunar Scrolls

The Lunar Scrolls a third-party supplement intended to provide you with a moon-themed package to both sides of the screen, written by Silent 7Seven. It runs 34 pages and a little over seven bucks. Admittingly I’d never heard of the company until a few days ago, but in a nutshell Silent 7Seven touts themselves as […]

Scions of Punjar: Session 3

(Another short session) At the end of the last session the party was headed back to the city of Punjar. Armed with the knowledge that they would most likely be facing undead the group decided to hire, if possible, a cleric or paladin etc. They made their way through the streets of Punjar on a […]

Review: Scarrport, City of Secrets

Scarrport: City of Secrets (with two r’s) is part of Reality Deviant Publishing‘s line of Campaign Cutout products, which are in a nutshell campaign-neutral plug-n-play elements that “anyone can use”. These things are great in concept, but if the concept doesnt work then no one cares. What with me being very leery of 3rd-party products, […]

Review: Wilden Playtest

And here I thought that the PH3 playtest would be the monk. Oh well, at least its interesting. Wilden are based loosely on a race in Races of the Wild called the killoren. I had to actually look this up because I had no fucking clue that they ever existing in 3E and couldnt find […]

DDI: May Issues

You can find next month’s table of contents here. There’s a bunch of free Monster Manual 2 excerpts up until the 18th, when they shift gears and start pitching us Eberron Campaign Guide goodies. For Dragon, the article on Game Transparency sounds interesting, for a title, but I’m more interested in the monk playtest which […]

People Actually Hate Familiars?

Clearly, some people are not satisfied with familiars. The OP on the thread doesnt like them because he thinks they are somehow too…weak? I’m sorry, but this is bullshit. In 3rd Edition, familiars had half as many hit points as the master did, rounded down. A level 1 wizard probably had 4 hit points, meaning […]

Review: Arcane Power

Arcane Power is the latest power source-specific supplement released by Wizards of the Coast, adding new options for the bard, sorcerer, swordmage, warlock, and wizard. Like its predecessor Martial Power, each class gets their own individual chapter, which adds new class features, powers, and paragon paths to each class. There’s a section on feats, and […]

Review: Player’s Handbook Heroes, Set 1

Got a case of each set in the mail today and just cracked them out. Most of them look really good, with the exception of the male human fighter and male human barbarian: fighter’s sword looks to tiny and flimsy (plus the color scheme just sucks), and the colors on the barbarian look too solid […]

Review: Ecology of the Deva

The deva was, until very recently, my most disliked race from Player’s Handbook 2. I never really got into the whole aasimar bit in 3rd Edition, preferring tieflings for my gimped planetouched of choice. The art for devas seemed pretty meh, and likewise their racial features didnt do much to improve their image. To sum […]

Report: Songs of Erui, Session 1

Party RosterGrynn: gnoll artificer, played by JenniferVimak: deva invoker, played by AdrianOther-Vimak: goliath fighter, played by Matt as a stand-in for Red Jason.Josh is played a razorclaw shifter ranger, but I cannot remember his name Loot List70 gp, 75 spTarnished electrum necklace with a star sapphire (50 gp) What started out as a simple test-delve […]