Cease & Desist Letters From Wizards

Red Jason voiced some concern awhile back about some cease & desist letters that Wizards of the Coast was issuing against various sites. This naturally gave him cause for worry, mostly about the fact that the banner for this blog is a cropped image of the Dungeon Master’s Guide. He didnt want to attract any […]

DDI: March Calendar

The March calendar is up, and the content looks nice. Ever since they dropped a third of the bard and summoning magic into one of the Ampersand columns, I’ve been looking forward to those. The PA/PvP podcasts are getting rolled out on the same day Dungeon gets updating, so now I have a reason to […]

Game Design: PCs, NPCs, and Skills

One of the oft-touted “flaws” of 4th Edition is that there are separate rules for creating players and monsters, where 3rd Edition had a more cohesive set of rules that was mostly similar. Of course, prior editions had rules that amounted to basically “make it up yourself”, but we’ll just ignore that tiny little fact. […]

Gamer’s Library: Blackstaff Tower

Now that much of the contention has passed regarding the new 4th Edition version of the Forgotten Realms, I really feel that, for those who may have stayed away from checking out the Realms ala 1479 DR, now is a great time to take a fresh look at the new setting. I will state my […]

Character Builder…Glitch(?)

Last night Adrian came over and after a few minutes of flipping through Dungeon Delve, decided that he really REALLY wanted to run the level 30 delve. I’m adept at running a four-man party by myself, having long since committed all of the lower-level powers from the Player’s Handbook to memory. I think that Adrian’s […]

Dungeon Delve Review

First things first: assuming that someone at Rainy Day Games reads this, I did manage to get a copy of Dungeon Delve before March 3rd. So, ha ha and stuff.Dungeon Delve is pretty straightforward: each delve is three encounters strung together, and you get one delve per character level (for a total of thirty). The […]

Harley Stroh (Goodman Games) Interview

I recently asked Harley Stroh, line editor and developer for Goodman Games’ Dungeon Crawl Classics as well as author of the Master Dungeons series to take a few minutes from his busy schedule and answer a few questions. -Red JasonYou just got back from D&D Experience, it was amazing I’m sure….So what exactly did you […]

Celtic Adventure Path

So, I’ve been kicking around a concept document for a celtic-themed adventure path for a couple months, now. Partly because Player’s Handbook 2 is due next month, but mostly because I like the idea and it really hasnt been done before. Initally, I wanted to pitch this idea to Wizards of the Coast, but I […]

The two dollar module is back!

The two dollar module is back! This 4E-compatible module sends the heroes to an ancient cave occupied by cultists dedicated to the Mists of Madness. Defended by ancient death traps and weird arcane seals, the caves conceal an antediluvian vault, the resting place of an archlich whose reign predates recorded history in the Known Realms. […]

My Half-Orc And Me

I like the new half-orc mechanically a lot, compared to the previous iteration(s) which ranked roughly at “not-at-all”. The previous half-orc was the first time I’d seen it placed as an official, default race, but it never got any traction in my group because it was just a leg up on the half-elf in terms […]