From DDXP 2009

You can get a podcast from Radio Free Hommlet that talks about D&D XP. In case you are lazy, here are the highlights (products are listed in the order of release…hopefully), cribbed from the Wizards forums. Arcane Power will contain rules for familiars and support the swordmage and sorcerer, but not the artificer. Since it […]

Seeking Other Pastures

Keith Baker is going to start traveling around the world soon, exchanging entertainment for hospitality. Basically, you let him shack up for 1-3 nights, he runs games for you. Actually, his preference is that he runs for you, and you run for him, as he wants to get to experience as many diverse groups as […]

February’s Dragon

This month’s issue of Dragon brought us a few gems: the dhampyr, some class previews, and an article on undead stuff that to me is a good companion to Open Grave. Hestavar was alright. We’re not epic level yet, and maybe further down the road I’ll incorporate it into my own implied setting. At least […]

Dawn of War II

Played the Dawn of War II beta today, and its been a pretty shitty ride. I really enjoyed the first one, and I dont know where Relic went wrong. First of all, it doesnt play anything like the other one: you dont really build anything except for units. Unlike the tabletop game, you get an […]


Concept of one of my character’s in Adrian‘s game: we’re currently plowing through Pyramid of Shadows. She is a level 7 tiefling resourceful warlord.

Review: Scales of War, Part 1

We’ve almost finished the first two adventures for Scales of War. I mostly like it thus far, in that it provides a complete barebones setup to entertain my group. I dislike that its difficult to capture the “bigger picture” of the adventure. For example, in Siege on Bordrin’s Watch, you basically go into the Stonehome […]

There’s One in Every Group

Or rather, there used to be. See, I was formerly the guy that had all the books, accessories, and miniatures. I had all that shit. Just me. Since we only gamed once a week during the era of 3rd Edition, my friends only bought a handful of books, waiting until they came over to peruse […]

Review: Character Builder

Okay, after at least an hour of toiling, I finally got this fucker to install AND run properly. This actually took me longer to fix than the Beta did, and the error was similar (it for some reason cannot create folders in My Documents, whether or not they already exist). Unlike last time, it wasnt […]